顺序号 No. | 建筑项目标题 Project Name | 发包部门 The bidding units | 负担工程建设区间 Assume the scope of works | 工业高等级 Engineering level |
1 | 银川国内油品收储中心建设工程 Lanzhou National Crude Oil Storage Projects | 中变压器油建设工程的设计有现 工厂华北分工厂 🦂Petroleum Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Southwest Branch | 15台十万元,那么你就可以利用这十万元立储槽抛丸防腐材料 ⛦15 sets of 100 000 cubic tank shot blasting anti-corrosion | 良好的 Excellent |
2 | 乍得西南石油勘探创业项目 Oilfield project in southern Chad | 中中国石油1建成集团 First Construction Company of CNPC | 地下停车场管道网、钢组成、存储罐防腐涂料 💦Anti-corrosion of Underground pipe network, steel structures, tanks, | 达标率 Excellent |
3 | 钦州中油国际联盟产出库建设项目 Qinzhou CNPC International repository project | 中石油工业第十六的建设工厂 Sixth Construction Company of CNPC | 4台十万元,那么你就可以利用这十万元立玻璃钢罐防潮 🎉4 sets of 100 000 cubic tank shot blasting anti-corrosion |
优良率 Excellent |
4 | 安徽夜化天然的气推送站过程中 Jiangsu LNG terminal project | 中油气第6基本建设司 Sixth Construction Company of CNPC | 2台17万立玻璃钢罐防潮 🔯2 sets of 160 000 cubic tank shot blasting anti-corrosion |
优秀企业 Excellent |
5 | 中石油气云南彭州石化厂施工 ꧂PetroChina Petrochemical Engineering in Pengzhou,Sichuan | 中化工南京市水利机构 Sinopec Nanjing Engineering Company | 化工新材料区外地下管廊工程钢设备构造、给水管抛丸除锈方法 ꧟Chemical outside the pipe rack steel structures, pipe shot blasting |
样板工程 Excellent |
6 | 中能源长庆石油勘探惠安堡储存罐工作 𒐪PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Huianbao Tank Engineering | 长庆煤田油建工厂 Changqing Oilfield Construction Company | 4台1万立储槽防锈 ꧑4 sets of 100 000 cubic tank shot blasting anti-corrosion |
美丽 Excellent |
7 | 京海酒水炼铁厂化学纤维厂系统内容 ไShijiazhuang Refinery Chemical Fiber Factory device project | 中石油第九建造我司 Tenth Construction Company of Sinopec | 保护、技改、保运 ဣMaintenance, technical innovation, transportation security |
优质 Excellent |
8 | 哈尔滨炼油厂新港北库卧式储罐工作 ওThe Dalian Petrochemical Newport North library storage tank project | 中原油记牌器设计厂家 Seventh Construction Company of CNPC | 7台1万立储油罐抛丸防锈处理、防潮恒温 ജ7 sets of 100 000 cubic tank shot blasting anti-corrosion |
美好 Excellent |
9 | 神化煤会直接制动液化的项目 Shenhua direct coal liquefied oil project | 中石油化工工司第九修建工司 Tenth Construction Company of Sinopec | 煤制氢系统线路、钢构造防蚀 The coal hydrogen plant pipes, steel corrosion |
优质 Excellent |
10 | 阜康发变电所厂这期市政工程 Fukang power plants first stage project | 辽宁电业二是制作司 ဣSecond Construction Company of Shandong Electric Power | 煤排风管保温层 Coal duct insulation |
优异 Excellent |
11 | 输配电线塔防爱体育 项目流程 Transmission line tower anticorrosion project | 在中国武义县供电局 Zhejiang Jinhua Power Authority | 线塔防污 Line tower anti-corrosion engineering |
优良率 Excellent |
12 | 威海热电群体工业锅炉燃烧汽机保温隔热工程项目 🅺Dalian Thermal Power Group boiler turbine insulation project | 兰州 电量其次发展平台 🥂Second Construction Company of Shandong Electric Power | 热水锅炉汽机防锈 Boiler turbine corrosion |
品质 Excellent |
13 | 热电凉开水塔防腐材料投资项目 🔜The thermoelectric cooling tower anticorrosion project | 中州铝厂 Zhongzhou aluminum factory | 冰水塔防污 Cooling tower anticorrosion |
优质 Excellent |
14 | 电力管网橡胶发泡墙体保温大型项目 ♔Thermal pipe with polyurethane foam insulation project | 许昌高新产业区開發指引部 Luoyang High-tech Zone Development Headquarters | 管线丙烯酸发泡恒温 Pipeline polyurethane foam insulation |
高品质 Excellent |
15 | 郑州商管常务政法委员会新苑小区防雨项目流程 🐈The Henan Business and Management Committee waterproof cell project | 四川商管委 The Henan Business and Management Commission | 村民层高面地面防水 Residential building level waterproof |
良好 Excellent |
16 | 福厦桥业务 The Fuxia bridge project | 武桥重工团体团体 Wu Bridge Heavy Industry Group | 铁路桥梁抛丸除锈方法、喷铝防潮 Bridge shot blasting, spray aluminum corrosion |
优质产品 Excellent |
17 | 株洲湘江红港高架桥的项目 Zhuzhou Xiangjiang Red Harbour Bridge Project | 武桥重型机械集团简介 Wu Bridge Heavy Industry Group | 公路桥防腐处理 Bridge Preservation |
优良率 Excellent |
18 | 东平水道关键点好项目 Dongping waterway bridge project | 武桥机械实业公司 Wu Bridge Heavy Industry Group | 公路桥梁、钢箱防蚀 Bridge steel box preservative |
良好率 Excellent |
19 | 广安奎阁渠江江大桥工作 🌠Widely of Jose Adolfo Aguilar, who hails Pavilion Drainage River Bridge project | 武桥机械团体 Wu Bridge Heavy Industry Group | 关键点涂漆抗爱体育 Bridge painting anti-corrosion |
优质 Excellent |
20 | 石垭变电器站 Shiya transformer substation | 甘肃岳池用电企业 Sichuan yuechi power company | 换流站站防潮 Substation anticorrosive |
优秀 Excellent |
21 | 线塔建筑项目 Line tower project | 银川供气局 Lanzhou Power Supply Bureau | 电杆加固方案、高压铁塔防腐处理 Pole reinforcement, Tower anticorrosive |
优质 Excellent |
更多精彩:爱体育:防腐保温 //dtjjcg.cn