
铁素体不锈钢在高温尿素环境中的爱体育 行为研究

2021-05-07 05:28:52 hualin


对三类商业机车进气管整体用铁素体不绣钢管(436L、439M、441)做出了车用车用车用尿素液晶体爱体育 检测,以模以铁素体不绣钢管在商业机车进气管整体内选用性催化反应重置器(SCR)中的渗氮爱体育 行为举动。探求了各种合金基本成分及杂质物对不绣钢管耐低温车用车用车用尿素液爱体育 的直接影响,并基本原则EDS探析方法毕竟解读了村料里面的爱体育 的渗氮基理。探析体现了,在低温热震疲惫和空气氧化的协同管理效果下,低温高氮的生活环境诱发铁素体不绣钢管晶界及晶内轮廓位置更快分分析出氮化铬科粒,引发晶界及基体轮廓位置贫铬。会因为436L和441不绣钢管含带较高的Mo和Nb,其耐低温车用车用车用尿素液爱体育 程度显著性远远高于439M。不仅,会因为436L和441不绣钢管中杂质物的细小弥散,也降了氮化铬在杂质物的形核分分析出可能,拥有增进抗低温车用车用车用尿素液爱体育 的另个因素分析。

首要词: 原料无效与防护 ; 高温作业尿素液爱体育 ; 晶间爱体育  ; XX射线能谱分析一下 ; 铁素体不锈钢装饰管 ; 渗氮研究进展 ; 夹杂着物


෴In order to simulate the nitriding corrosion behavior of ferritic stainless steels in selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system of commercial vehicle, urea corrosion tests were carried out on three ferritic stainless steels (436L, 439M and 441) used in exhaust system of commercial vehicles. The influences of alloy composition and inclusions on high temperature urea corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steels were investigated. The results show that under the synergistic effect of high temperature fatigue and oxidation, the high temperature and high nitrogen environment results in the rapid precipitation of chromium nitride particles at grain boundaris and in the local area of the ferritic stainless steels, resulting in chromium depletion. As 436L and 441 ferritic stainless steels contain higher Nb and Mo, thy present significantly higher resistance to high temperature urea corrosion rather than 439M. Moreover, due to the fine dispersion of inclusions in 436L and 441 stainless steels, the probability of nucleation and precipitation of chromium nitride on inclusions is also reduced, which is another cause for improving the resistance to high temperature urea corrosion of the relevant steels.

🍸Keywords: materials failure and protection ; high temperature urea corrosion ; intergranular corrosion ; EDS ; ferritic stainless steels ; nitriding mechanism ; inclusion

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